Are you use those statement or words "I can't," "I am no good," "It's impossible," "I hate," "I'm not" etc? If yes, your mind going to failure. I this lesson you will learn Power of Words that will help you to find a wonderful direction. So let's get started....
Words can Destroy you:-
For example, If you start to say that "I'm never going to do very well in this" or I hate this." After repeating these statement that's convert into Beliefs. And Beliefs can take every day a little Action. Then the time for Result if you assume result is awesome you are wrong. If Beliefs is negative result always become negative that means a worse. This is Power of Words.
So if you are use these words can't, don't, impossible at your work. Result are always like this negative. This is Power of Words.
An another example if you want to start a business. And you consult with your Uncle especially if Uncle is negative and worked for someone else all his life. Let me tell you, your every words (When consulting) going to wrong direction because Your uncle don't know about owning a business. So these words can destroy you. This is also power of words.
Words can make you Best:-
Zig Zigler (Motivational speaker) decided to reduce his weight from 202 pounds to 165 pounds, at the same time, he was writing his book See You At The Top. In this book Zig Zigler included a statement that he got his weight down to 165 pounds in 10 months before the book went to press. Then place to print this book at printer but his actual weight is 202 pounds. According to statement in his book he must be reduce his weight 37 pounds before the book was printed. And finally, he did. This is also Power of Words.
If you are using daily these words "I am good," you are becoming to good. If you are using daily these words "I am growing," you actually growing. If you are using daily these words "I can do it," you can do it. That's can lot of example, And all are example of Power of Words.
Carefully choose your Words:-
So think about your words that you use in every day. You must carefully select them.
At the last, I suggest you for changing your life, read one of the best selling book "ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING" by "Jeff Keller". If you are want to change your life you can click here for buy and read this book.
1.This book can help you, no matter how Positive or Negative you are right now.
2.If you're negative, don't despair. You can use these concepts to develop and maintain a positive attitude... and to achieve incredible breakthroughs in your life.
3.If you're already a positive person, you can use these principles to soar to even greater heights of success and fulfillment.“Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.”Robin Sharma
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