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Tuesday, 13 November 2018


Secret of Success - Only 3 steps can help you to achieve your goal

Are you want to success ? Are you want to achieve your goal ?This article is for you for achieve your goal and always never give up attitude. So let's get started.....

At first three questions for you... So answer this question.
  • Are you afraid about learning a new skills?
  • Are you don't want to hear "NO"?
  • Are you truly committed about your goal?

If you answer is negative. Don't worry about it. You are more stronger than any of your setbacks or problems. If you try to overcome this, you can overcome this. So now I will discuss these 3 points that can help you overcome your problems and always never give up attitude.
Secret of Success

1. Learning a new skills:-

Learn a new skill one of the most important. You must be always learning attitude. You must add your dictionary every three months a new skill, just like if you afraid Public speaking, take a course of public speaking. You can learn a new language, If you in online field you can learn basic website design, You can increase your personal development etc. So I say you always learning a new skill that can help you or if you in interested with it. Next you must be some investment learning a new skill. Your 10% income use learning purpose. You can buy motivational and inspirational book, you can join motivational program. Always be learning attitude. So, Never give up learning a new skills.

2.Hear "NO" word:-

First of all I want to tell you about two guys who wrote a book about inspiration. The first publisher said "NO". The 2nd publisher said "NO". The 3rd publisher said "NO".... The 33th publisher said "NO" over a period of three years. In three years two boys hear "NO". What do you think they did? They submitted their book to another publisher. The 34th publisher said "Yes". The book is published. The book name is "Chicken Soup For The Soul". If you are book lover you can know about this book. 
So always remember "NO" is not the end. For achieve your goal. You must be never give up.

3.Committed on you Goal:-

Do you have burning desire to achieve your goal? I would like to tell you a story about "Jim Carrey." In 1990, while he was still relatively unknown, He wrote a check to himself for $10 million for acting services rendered. The was postdated in 1995. Jim carry earned $800,000 for his work in "Ace Ventura" and "The Mask". In 1994, he was paid $7 million for movie "Dumb and Dumber". Its a very sweet example of Committed on your goal.
My dear friend, You must be committed on you goal. write your goal. This will help you to reach your goal. Of course, it's much easier to be committed when you love what you're doing. Therefore go after those goals you're passionate about.

At the last, I suggest you for learn secret of success, read one of the best selling book "ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING" by "Jeff Keller". If you are want to change your life you can click here for buy and read this book.

The secret of your success is determined by your daily agenda. 
John C. Maxwell

Monday, 12 November 2018


How to overcome fear ? - How to overcome anxiety ?

Are you feared or anxiety before trying to a new thing or new activity? Has that fear can stop you to taking action? Read this article at the end I will tell you how to overcome fear and how to overcome anxiety? After this you you find your own way to overcome fear or anxiety.... So lets get started....

Every person have different fear. For example Fear of public speaking, fear of changing jobs, fear of failure etc. These fear can sent us comfort zone. So are you in comfort zone? At first you must know what is comfort zone.
How to overcome fear

Are you in Comfort zone:-

At first you must know what is comfort zone. Comfort zone means a zone of our behavior that easy for us and where we feel safe and comfortable. Another way its a routine of our daily life like talking with friend, finish daily paperwork. It means when you feel you are safe or comfortable, you are in comfort zone. Don't worry each of us has a comfort zone. 

You must be Uncomfortable:-

Uncomfortable means outside of Comfortable. When we face challenges that out outside of Comfort zone. When faced with something outside your comfort zone, we suddenly feel nervous. Out heart become pounds and we are thinking "Will I be able to handle?" "Will other laugh at me?" etc. And again these fear sent us comfort zone. So when you face new challenges you must be at learning attitude. You must be think "If I fail, I learn and next time because of my learning I will be successful." So every moment you must be learning attitude. This learning attitude and your failure can give you success. So you must be uncomfortable with learning attitude. 

Your choice:-

If you have any kind of fear always remember you are stronger than any of your fears and only you can overcome them. If you chose comfort zone you fears will reinforce you and sent you a deep level of comfort zone. If you chose, do something or challenging something, step by step you can overcome any kind of fear. Its not a one day work it takes few days time. So you must be take action.... thats only way to overcome fear.

At the last, I suggest you changing your life, read one of the best selling book "ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING" by "Jeff Keller". If you are want to change your life you can click here for buy and read this book.

Limits, like fear, is often an illusion. 
Michael Jordan

Thursday, 8 November 2018


How to stay with Positive Thinking ? - Avoid Negative People

Are you surrounding yourself with negative people and spending your lot of time with them ? These negative people gives you negative thinking not Positive thinking. So how to overcome with this ?... Read this until the end you will find your own way to stay with Positive thinking. So lets get started....
Positive Thinking

How to work Mind:-

Our mind have no choice, what is good or what is bad. Our mind works whatever is repeated over and over. If our mind hear something often enough, our mind believe it and act upon it. In this process anyone can train you and your mind as a terrorist. So are you want to success, always positive thinking about success. So if you fill your mind with Positive messages, you are going to positive and you can produce positive thinking. This positive thinking can help you to achieve your goals.

Stay with Positive people:-

One of the best way to produce positive thinking stay with always positive people. If you decided to spend your time with positive people immediately you can feel better like positive. If you spend your time with negative people they drag you down to their level, they barrage you with gloomy statements. If you stay with positive people you can produce Positive thinking.

Only 2 steps for always Positive:-

  1. Every day, read some Motivational Books, Motivational articles, Self-Improvement book.
  2. Every day, listen to Motivational audio Programs.
If you read something positive and listen to Motivational audio programs every day, it will make  big difference in your life. Motivation and Inspiration can produce Positive Thinking.

At the last, I suggest you for produce positive thinking, read one of the best selling book "ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING" by "Jeff Keller". If you are want to change your life you can click here for buy and read this book.

1.This book can help you, no matter how Positive or Negative you are right now.
2.If you're negative, don't despair. You can use these concepts to develop and maintain a positive attitude... and to achieve incredible breakthroughs in your life.

3.If you're already a positive person, you can use these principles to soar to even greater heights of success and fulfillment.

Monday, 5 November 2018


Power of Complaints - Change your life

Do you fell better when someone talk to you about all his problem ? And do you fell better when someone complaints on you ? No.... So why you tell your problems other and why you complaints others ?
Power of Complaints

When you can't take action:-

On of the most popular complaints area is weather. When stats to rain, People say "What a bad day." You take it is a negative way and when you say someone "What a bad day" who also negative with you. And always remember negative always produce negative result. And most important Your complaints about a weather won't change the condition. It simply make no sense to get upset about things over which you have no control. 
One of the another most complaints area is Politics. When you can't take any action on polities don't complaint. It's consume lots of time and produce negative results.

Complains loudly:-

Suppose if you have a fever, why you share your problems with your friends? Your friends is Physician ? So why....? You might want sympathy, but you don't know your problems can effect your friends to dragging down. So don't share your problems with other, specially who not related your problems. If you have fever you share with Doctor. Who can save you fever. So don't complaints loudly.

Are you under Problems:-

Are you think you are in big problem ? Lets take a exercise, Pick up a pen and piece of paper. Then start listing your blessing and another start listing your problems.

Here is my blessing:-
  1. I'm in good health.
  2. My family is good health.
  3. I lived with my family.
  4. We have our own home.
  5. We lived in India and enjoy freedom.
  6. I loved my work.
  7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.......
It's can't stop. Now your time to start listing blessing. Then start listing your problems. I am sure You can't finish you blessing list but when you listing your problems it may be maximum 3-5. And then time to your work to solve your problems. Don't get complain other. Always remember no one wants to hear your problems.

At the last, I suggest you for changing your life, read one of the best selling book "ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING" by "Jeff Keller". If you are want to change your life you can click here for buy and read this book.

1.This book can help you, no matter how Positive or Negative you are right now.
2.If you're negative, don't despair. You can use these concepts to develop and maintain a positive attitude... and to achieve incredible breakthroughs in your life.
3.If you're already a positive person, you can use these principles to soar to even greater heights of success and fulfillment.

"I've had a great ride. I've got no complaints."

Larry King

Friday, 2 November 2018


Are you Terrible or Terrific? - Your answer is your Destiny

Suppose someone ask you "How are you ?" What is your answer ? Terrible or Okay or Terrific ? Your answer make your destiny in future. For Change your destiny read it until end. So let's get started...

If your ans is Terrible:-

If your answer "Terrible" and like this example "Lousy," "Tired," "Don't ask,""Horrible," "It's not my day." You are in same category. If you say these negative words your mind is attracted to those people and circumstances that will cause that statement to be true. You can't fell better, of course not, You fell even more down in the dumps because negative words and thoughts generate negative feelings, and eventually, negative results. So if you don't want to negative results in your life next time don't say these negative words. That's negative words can destroy you.

It's not only limited with you. This negative words can effect your friends, colleagues, family etc. Suppose you ask someone "How are you?" And he or she said "Terrible" or "Don't ask". His or her words can effect you. Always remember negative words release only negative results. 

If your ans is Okay:-

If your answer "Okay" and like this example "Not too bad," "Tired," "Worse,""Fine," You are in same category. Okay word okay like word always release okay result like okay relationship, okay success, okay life. If you satisfied with okay relationship, okay success, okay life. You can drive with this but if you don't want okay life, you must quite okay words and okay like words.

If your ans Terrific:-

If your answer "Terrific" and like this example "Fantastic," "Great," "Excelent,""Super," "I'm on the top in the world," You are in same category. If you say these positive words your mind is attracted to those people and circumstances that will cause that statement to be true. If you use positive words like these have a bounce in their step and you feel a little better just by being around them. Always remember positive word can't produce negative results only produce positive results.

It's not only limited with you. This positive words can effect your friends, colleagues, family etc. Suppose you ask someone "How are you?" And he or she said "Fantastic" or "Great". His or her words can effect you. Always remember Positive words release only Positive results. 

Time to Choose People:-

Now time to review Which responses do your friends, colleagues, group use ? If you find yourself in the Terrible or Okay like group. It's only your responsibility to stay in Terrible and Okay group or join in Terrific group.

At the last, I suggest you for changing your life, read one of the best selling book "ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING" by "Jeff Keller". If you are want to change your life you can click here for buy and read this book.

1.This book can help you, no matter how Positive or Negative you are right now.
2.If you're negative, don't despair. You can use these concepts to develop and maintain a positive attitude... and to achieve incredible breakthroughs in your life.
3.If you're already a positive person, you can use these principles to soar to even greater heights of success and fulfillment.

"You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind."

Joyce Meyer

Thursday, 1 November 2018


Power of Words - Carefully choose your Words - Words can Make you or Destroy you

Are you use those statement or words "I can't," "I am no good," "It's impossible," "I hate," "I'm not" etc? If yes, your mind going to failure. I this lesson you will learn Power of Words that will help you to find a wonderful direction. So let's get started....

Power of Words

Words can Destroy you:-

For example, If  you start to say that "I'm never going to do very well in this" or I hate this." After repeating these statement that's convert into Beliefs. And Beliefs can take every day a little Action. Then the time for Result if you assume result is awesome you are wrong.  If Beliefs is negative result always become negative that means a worse. This is Power of Words.
So if you are use these words can't, don't, impossible at your work. Result are always like this negative. This is Power of  Words.
An another example if you want to start a business. And you consult with your Uncle especially if Uncle is negative and worked for someone else all his life. Let me tell you, your every words (When consulting) going to wrong direction because Your uncle don't know about owning a business. So these words can destroy you. This is also power of words.

Words can make you Best:-

Zig Zigler (Motivational speaker) decided to reduce his weight from 202 pounds to 165 pounds, at the same time, he was writing his book See You At The Top. In this book Zig Zigler included a statement that he got his weight down to 165 pounds in 10 months before the book went to press. Then place to print this book at printer but his actual weight is 202 pounds. According to statement in his book he must be reduce his weight 37 pounds before the book was printed. And finally, he did. This is also Power of Words.
If you are using daily these words  "I am good," you are becoming to good. If you are using daily these words "I am growing," you actually growing. If you are using daily these words "I can do it," you can do it. That's can lot of example, And all are example of Power of Words.

Carefully choose your Words:-

So think about your words that you use in every day. You must carefully select them.

At the last, I suggest you for changing your life, read one of the best selling book "ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING" by "Jeff Keller". If you are want to change your life you can click here for buy and read this book.

1.This book can help you, no matter how Positive or Negative you are right now.
2.If you're negative, don't despair. You can use these concepts to develop and maintain a positive attitude... and to achieve incredible breakthroughs in your life.
3.If you're already a positive person, you can use these principles to soar to even greater heights of success and fulfillment.

“Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose yours well.”
Robin Sharma

Tuesday, 30 October 2018


Problems makes you Strong or Weak - Choice is yours - Which you like to Choose?

"It is a rough road that leads to the heights of Greatness."
by Seneca
Problems makes you Strong or Weak

I like to start with a story of Dave Bruno:-

In 1980s, Dave Bruno worked as a sales manager for a medical equipment company. He and his wife, their three young children lived in a lovely home in Milwaukee. Everything is going good.
But in 1984 Bruno lost his job. Then several months later Bruno was driving home at night when his car veered off the road and crashed. He got many injuries including lungs, ribs, heart, liver etc.The doctors didn't know if he would live. Dave Bruno himself thought he was going to die. After tenuously clinging he was miraculously in the clear.
At recovering in the hospital, he started to think about what be can do with his life. In his whole life he like to collect Motivational and Inspirational quotes. So now he want to start a business to share these quotations with others. But no idea how to start it.
After recovering in the hospital Bruno and his family lost his home for medical bills and inability to work. So moved into a cramped apartment.
One day, he got a idea - He'd print the quotations on credit card stock. Later that evening, he was watching TV and saw a commercial for a credit card company's "Gold Card." Five years after leaving the hospital, Dave Bruno sold his first Success Gold Card. In adding some years he sold over two million. Dave Bruno wrote the book The 100 Thing Challenge(click here to buy).

Always remember in Problems:-

  1. Problem is not a problem, it is a Puzzle.
  1. Problems are offering you something good or greater.
  1. Problems help you to find the Benefit.
  1. Opportunity cames from Problems.
  1. Problem is a blessing.
  1. Problems gives us Perspective.
  1. Problems can open a new door.
  1. Problems encourage us to make changes and take action.
  1. Problems brings out our hidden potential.
  1. Problems builds confidence.

You always have a choice. You can view your problems as negative and become gloomy. Or, you can see as a opportunity that's you can grow from. Believe it or not, your problems are there to serve you not destroy you.So next time you suffer a problem or setback in your life, don't get discouraged or give up.

At the last, I suggest you for overcome your problems, read one of the best selling book "ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING" by "Jeff Keller". If you are want to change your life you can click here for buy and read this book.

1.This book can help you, no matter how Positive or Negative you are right now.
2.If you're negative, don't despair. You can use these concepts to develop and maintain a positive attitude... and to achieve incredible breakthroughs in your life.
3.If you're already a positive person, you can use these principles to soar to even greater heights of success and fulfillment.

"Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines."
by Robert H. Schuller